Thursday, 9 January 2014

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year, I know I did... way too much turkey, mince pies, good cheese and lots and lots of fruit juice... yes FRUIT JUICE!! I haven't had any alcohol in over a year now and to be honest I don't really miss it.

Anyway now that 2013 has ended, we have the new 2014 to look forward to with a full calendar of events which starts this week with going back to training. And I cant wait to get back after two weeks off.

On February 22nd we have the Ayrshire & Glasgow 2014 Awards at the Grand Hall in Kilmarnock. This is a great annual event and well worth going along, even just to see what your fellow students wear outside of training. You really didn't think we wore our doboks all the time did you?? :) Please see your instructor for tickets which are priced at £12 for adults and £8 for kids. Family of three is £30, family of four is £38 and family of five is £45. Look forward to seeing you all there!

There is of course a slew of competitions to look forward to up and down the UK and overseas. I know these have already been posted on some of the social networking sites but for completeness here they are again ("borrowed" from Mr Chahal's list):

2014 Competitions
English Open Championships - 16th March - Worcester
European Championships - 29th & 30th March - Davos, Switzerland
Welsh Open Championships - 18th May - Cardiff
Scottish Open Championships - 6th September - Ravenscraig
British Open Championships - 30th November - Worcester

The date of the Scottish Closed Championship is yet to be confirmed.

For those doing their 1st Dan or above gradings here are the dates that are important to you:
Black Belt Grading - 25th to 27th April - Bristol Academy
Black Belt Grading - 17th to 19th October - Bristol Academy

Additional courses for black belts are as follows:
Instructors Course part 1 - 21st & 22nd June - Bristol Academy
Instructors Course part 2 - 8th & 9th November - Bristol Academy
Referee part 1 & 2 - 25th January - Willenhall
Umpires part 1 - 1st February - Willenhall
Umpires part 2 - 2nd February - Willenhall
Umpires part 1 & 2  - 1st March - Cardiff
Referee part 1 & 2 - 2nd March - Cardiff
Umpires part 1 - 3rd May - Willenhall
Umpires part 2 - 4th May - Willenhall
Referee part 1 & 2 - 28th June - Willenhall
Umpires part 1 - 30th September - Cardiff
Umpires part 2 - 21st September - Cardiff
Referee part 1 & 2 - 1st November - Cardiff

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