Friday, 27 February 2015

Phoenix Taekwondo February 2015

Second month of the year gone already, but that doesn't mean everyone hasn't been working hard to prepare for upcoming gradings & competitions. Firstly though, well done to all those that took part in the Closed Scottish Competition earlier in the month, it's a great experience and a great way to test out your skills in Taekwondo!

I have been asked to talk briefly about 'going for' your black belt grading, when the time comes. I recently had my black belt grading late last year, and I can say right now with complete confidence that it was one of the best feelings of my life when I found out I had passed.
Make no mistake though, in the last two months running up to my grading, I was at training five times a week, jumping from the weekly classes to personal tuition sessions with Mr McMillan, and every single one helped massively.
My biggest problem was my side kick, it was horrible.I could not go up in front of a panel of Masters with a side kick like that, so I practiced it pretty much every day, and now it's only kinda rubbish.... I prefer to use my hands anyway.....
Seriously though, if you want that Black Belt, you gotta practice, no two ways about it, and not just what you are good at, what you are bad at as well, because all of it has to come together to make you pass that grading. It's a good thing we all have some of the best instructors in Britain (earning a few brownie points there...)

Lots coming up over the next month. The last two Pre-Black Belt sessions with Master Donnelly are in the next week, with one being on the 7th March and the other being tomorrow! Those looking for their black-belt in April (you know who you are), make sure your there! The session tomorrow is at Hamilton University from 11.30am-01.30pm, and the third session is at the Matt Busby Sports Centre in Bellshill, 2-4pm.
Also, 7/8th March we have the first of our four colour belt gradings that are spread across the year, so make sure you keep practicing those patterns, not long now.
Finally, the awards night is tomorrow at the Bellfield Community Centre. There is gonna be food, drink, face painting, demonstrations and of course, awards so no doubt a great night. I can't attend unfortunately due to work, but I'll think of you as I am shoveling popcorn at the Odeon. So go out and have a good time, and see you in class!

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