Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Phoenix Taekwondo January 2015

                First ever blog post for TAGB, so apologise if it's not great. Thanks to Iain & Scott for keeping me on track. Quite a quiet month for TAGB Kilmarnock, but I can confidentially say that everyone at the club has settled back into the swing of things after Christmas dinner and New Years drinks. Don't know about everybody else, but I think the workout sessions are pushing us a bit harder cause I'm coming out of class sweating more than usual! Think I'm still burning off those extra few Christmas leftovers.....

                I honestly had no idea what I was going to say in this blog, but a post I saw further down on this Phoenix page earlier in the month gave me some inspiration so I'm going to reiterate it here. Around this time a lot of people have set a few resolutions  for themselves to try and achieve this year, like improving fitness or getting the next grade. However, now it's the end of the month, and people might not be seeing as big a change that they had hoped for. This is just down to the mindset that results will come instantly, and the truth is, they won't. People want to achieve their goals with the least amount of effort in the quickest time. If you want results, then you're going to have to work for them, there are no shortcuts.

                That goal might seem really far away just now, but by setting little aims along the way, it won't seem so bad. Aims like getting your sidekick just a bit higher, learning the next ten moves in your pattern off by heart, or even if it's just pushing yourself to last thirty more seconds in 'plank'. Give yourself these little achievements along the way, and that next belt might not seem so far away, but just remember, if you want something you gotta get out there and work for it because it isn't coming to you!

                Anyway, February should prove to be a busy one, with Master Donnelly's Pre-Black Belt sessions on the 8th & 28th (better be there if your looking for your Black Belt in April!) and the Closed Scottish Competition on the 21st which I think is at the Wishaw Sports Centre, but if you are unsure check with your instructor. Also on the 28th is the Annual Award Night at the Grand Hall! Food, Drinks and Face Painting, sorted. Doors open at 7pm.

                Think I'm going to call this post done, and again, go easy on me, first time and all that. Hopefully my next one will be a little better. No doubt I will see you in class.



Some Changes to The Blog

With this being personally a busy year for me and with me not being able to get round all the clubs to get information etc, on speaking to Scott its been decided to divide the workload a bit. With this in mind a new "writer in residence" has join the fold. Welcome to Martyn Miller who will write up posts for the Kilmarnock club.

I'll still write for Prestwick & Ayr and I'm hoping that some kind helpful people from some of the other clubs under the Ayrshire and Glasgow umbrella will step-up and write for their clubs. If you're interested then please drop me a message on facebook and we'll get you started.